Alaska Implants
Alaska Implants is Alaska’s dental implant leader. The thought of losing one or more of your natural teeth can be devastating; that is until you hear that dental implants can restore your smile and the confidence that you may have lost.
Considered the most realistic and longest lasting alternative to lost or missing teeth, implants can return you to normal oral function and your friends and family will never know the difference.
What Are Dental Implants?
The process for placing dental implants involves a surgical procedure whereby a metal or ceramic post will be placed into your jawbone. This will require several appointments – one to prepare the jaw for the implant, one to place the implant and a follow up to make sure the body acclimates to the implant properly. When the procedure is over, you will be able to eat, speak and smile just as you did before you lost your natural teeth.
•Designed to look and feel like your natural teeth
•Realistic and long lasting
•Metal or ceramic supports for dental crowns, bridges and dentures
•Synthetic and bio-compatible materials that won’t cause irritation
•Safe and effective procedure with little discomfort
Why Choose Alaska Implants?
•Dedicated service for over 50 years
•Friendly and professional staff
•Office environment designed for comfort
•Saturday appointments!
•Sedation/sleep dentistry for a pain-free experience
•We perform all implant procedures in-house (no referrals!)
•We are the leaders in Alaskan implant dentistry
Are you a good candidate for implant dentistry? Call or visit Alaska Implants right now for a thorough exam and an initial consultation.
Anchorage Dental Implants | Affordable Dental Implants Anchorage AK